Insight (201)

If you’ve ever wondered whether or not God talks to you, that wondering is proof that He does.

The thing is - those thoughts are brought to you by Him. He wants to catch up, hang out, and talk to you about everything on your mind and all the things on His.

He’s never gonna force a convo to happen, but He is gonna hint that He’d like to have a chat. Those hints can feel like a small nudge, new idea, or even a thought you just can’t shake.

Rather than try and shake it off as nothing, lean into Him because it’s usually something.

It might feel strange to talk to Him at first, but know that He’s leaned in and listening. He’s got all the answers to all your questions, so you might as well ask Him about each one.

Oh, and you can catch up with Him anywhere at any time in any place. Yep, even right now, right where you are.

So, go ahead and talk to Him. I’m sure He can’t wait to catch up.


Insight (202)


Insight (200)