Insight (197)

It’s only ever a good idea to do what God’s asking to do, go for what He’s told you to go for, and make the moves when He’s given you the green light to make them.

The way forward can be tough, especially when it doesn’t look anything like you imagined it would. But, what you dream up and how the dream happens are usually pretty different.

God’s got lots of reasons for that, and you’ll typically only get to see those reasons once you’re looking back on how far you’ve come.

No matter what your thoughts say sometimes, He doesn’t do any of that to mess with you, but to prep you for all that comes with a dream turned reality.

So, next time God does something a little different than you would’ve done, remember it’s a good thing. One day when you look back, you’ll see just how good of a thing it really was.


Insight (198)


Insight (196)