Emily Smith

Emily’s a creative entrepreneur building dreams and traveling the world out of Vancouver, Canada.

With a passion for people and the dreams they’re building, Emily pours her creativity into bringing entrepreneurial dreams to life. Whether it’s forming her own company or creating content for others, Emily uses her unique approach to produce engaging visuals in every project. Always up for adventure, Emily uses her love for travel to expand her perspective and curate new possibilities for her creative pursuits.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I am turning my love for travel and content creation into my dream career. I am achieving this by providing services such as online business management, newsletter help, blog posts, copywriting, social media management, photography, and other online marketing services to content creators. I like to call my plethora of services, “entrepreneurial assistance”.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

There wasn’t a super definitive moment where I discovered my dream. All I know is that I’ve always wanted to travel and have time and freedom to be able to work whenever and wherever I want.

My dream career wasn’t the first job I tried, that came with trying out many different jobs. I believe there will be many “dream” careers or chapters in our lives, but I feel more aligned with the goals I’ve set for myself in my career and believe I am on the right path.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

Running a business can get overwhelming, but I can always rely on Jesus for stability and guidance. I believe that He has great plans for my life, and I just need to continue following Him as He leads me.

Uncertainty is a big part of entrepreneurship. You might not know when your next project is, or what steps to take next, and the list goes on. One thing that is constant in life is my relationship with God.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

Every Sunday evening, I do a reset routine for the following week. I am a visual person, so I write out all the tasks I need to accomplish, I write down deadlines, I time block, and schedule everything to help hold myself accountable.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Just start. Don’t overthink it. You are your hardest critic. So, learn to go after your dream and perfect it later on. Just START.

Motivation will fade eventually, so you have to have discipline. Write down what would happen if you achieved your goal, then write down what would happen if you didn’t achieve your goal. Notice how you feel after evaluating those questions.

My favorite saying is along the lines of this: People are scared because they stay in their comfort zones. People will also be scared if they leave their comfort zones. You will be scared regardless, so you might as well be scared outside of your comfort zone.


Insight (166)


Insight (165)