Chelsea Romejko

Chelsea’s a writer and entrepreneur getting after her dreams from Lancaster, PA.

With a vision to make a difference and passion for creativity, Chelsea uses the gifts she’s given to write in a way that captivates and encourages each one of her readers. Whether she’s writing for her blog or creating strategies for the future, Chelsea leans on her faith to take every next step forward.

In her life there are no coincidences, but simple reminders from God that she’s on the right track. As a firm believer in heart-to-heart chats and honest heartfelt words, nothing means more to her than meeting others where they’re at and offering a glimpse of hope and a word of encouragement.

We know you’ll be encouraged as you hear more from her story and pursuit on our blog and weekly newsletter.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

Since I graduated from college about eight years ago I have been working professionally in the marketing world. I have always been blessed with really amazing co-workers and bosses, and fun working environments. I currently find so much joy in my day job.

On the side, I have a passion for a lot of creative things—in particular, writing. I currently blog and share content weekly on my Instagram page. I also have some bigger long-term business dreams which I am taking prayerful steps toward each year.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

When I was a teenager, I discovered that I found such joy in capturing beautiful moments and sharing them with others. This began to fuel my creativity and a love for photography, design and writing. To this day, this is still what fuels all that I do—the longing to help others see God’s beauty reflected on this earth. From my day job to side gigs to long-term dreams, my creative expression is driven by a passion to help people see and experience the love, presence and beauty of God.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

As I’ve gotten older I’ve come to see that the dreams and desires rooted deepest in our hearts are there for a reason. The reoccurring idea we cannot stop thinking about. The passion to give our all to our art. The way we come alive when working on certain projects. I believe these dreams and passions that feel woven into our very fabric are not there by any sort of accident, but by God’s intentional design. A gift to use for His Kingdom and His glory.

In my own personal journey, this has given me such joy in pursuing my passions even when some of my dreams are not fully realized yet. Joy, because I have faith there is God-given purpose present in all of it. Overall, my faith gives me peace to keep moving forward even on days when discouragement tries to settle in. I know that God is ultimately the author and inspirer, and I am confident that I can trust the entire process and the journey into His hands.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

Carve out time every week to work on your next goal or idea. It doesn’t have to be a lot of time. (Maybe just 30 minutes if that is all this present season of life allows for.) Use that time to create, hone your craft or make a checklist to break down next steps. Or, simply use that time to pray and ask God to lead and guide this dream growing in your heart.

It is all-too-easy to push the pursuit of an idea or dream down the pike because there is often not a pressing deadline, or maybe taking those first few steps feels scary and intimidating. But making headspace and heartspace for your vision every week ensures it is prioritized the way it should be. Because your God-given ideas and dreams are precious and important - A light so very needed in this world.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Mindset is so important. The bigger the vision or dream, the easier it can be to fall into traps of discouragement and comparison. It is easy to start wondering why you are only here when you want to be there. Renew your mindset daily through reading God’s Word, through prayer and through worship. This helps keep our eyes and desires fixed first and foremost on the One who is worth our all.

Most importantly: take joy in submitting the whole of your life to God. Especially your deepest desires and dreams. If there is something God does not intend for you, you will one day see what a blessing it was to lay it down. If there is something God does intend to fulfill, be all the more glad. He is more than capable and trustworthy to bring the details to life.


Insight (167)


Insight (166)